of a Charm

In addition to a specific focus, Charmorer NFT charms are forged with connections to other facets to add strength, vitality and energy to the charm.  A charm should be more than just a physical or conceptual stand-alone token (ex. 4 leaf clover, crystal, coin, unwashed socks, etc.).

As an NFT, it needs to be connected to real-world concepts such as nature, natural elements, time, colors, activites, etc.  Charmorer charms are more than just a picture - they are a collection of specifically organized foci (focus levels), strengths, facets, and numbers (numerology - lucky numbers).

The facets of Charmorer NTF charms are:

six facets of the charm

specificity - this facet identifies the number of the charm's foci - the more focused a charm is, the more power is ascribed to it

date - this facet is a date on which the charm is most effective - the charm holder can prepare for, focus on or do actions on this date to benefit from the highest annual power point of the charm

aspect - this facet is a word that is an action or condition the is connected to the particular charm - charm holders should be aware of the aspect connected to the charm as it may assist in the effectiveness of the charm and the desired results of the charm holder

color - this facet is a color that accentuates the charm - the charm holder can focus on this color or look for this color in their life or do things to incorporate this color and thus enhance the power of the charm

animal - this facet is a particular animal that is related to the charm - the charm holder can incorporatin this animal into their life by learning more about it or focusing on it in order to increase the power of the charm - purcahsing a stuffed animal or making a donation to save this creature's habitat is also a great way to enhance the charms power

nature - this facet is an element of nature that relates to the paticular charm - the charm holder can incorporate this element into their life in order to benefit from added effectiveness of the charm

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